Big Bear's Backyard Ultra Challenge 2021
Preliminary info (will be updated)
Where: Žilina, Slovensko
When: Fall 2021, end October. Start Friday afternoon, en Saturday/Sunday, depending on the stamina and stubborness of the participans.
Number of runners: will be confirmed, but around 50 pcs
What: Big Bear's Backyard Ultra
Rules are same as everywhere in the world, as created by Lazarus Lake.
1) Route
- Loop there and back. Loop length 4 míles 880 feet or 6.706km for the metric people
2) Start coral
- Big enough to fit all
- Same for the entire duration of event
- When the start bell sounds everybody must be in the coral.
3) Starts
- Each loop starts exactly an hour after the start of the previous loop
- Warning will be given 3, 2 and 1 minute before start of each loop.
- All runners must be at the start sector when the start bell rings, delayed starts are not allowed.
4) Loop
- With an exemption of a toilet break a runner can't deviate from the loop until it is done.
- No pacing allowed!
- No assistance, support during the loop is allowed.
- Every loop must be finished within one hour in order to count, that includes also the final loop of the last surviving runner.
- No artificial assistane, no poles!
- Slower runners must allow the faster runners to pass.
5) Timing
- Timing of individual loops is not essential but possible
6) Winner/Results
- Runner who alone finishes the last loop is a winner. All the others are technically DNFs.
- As individual results will be recorded total distances run by runners = 6.706km x number of loops.
- If no runner can finish one loop more than anyone else then there is no winner.
7) Total number of loops
- Total number of loops is not set, it depends on how many are needed to determine the winner